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D-TIPS is seen as a good example by Wallonia-Brussels Federation in the PECA programme

A video produced by Wallonia-Brussels Federation in the PECA* programme captures one of the design thinking activities carried out in a D-TIPS pilot done in collaboration with Les Petits Ruisseaux.

*The PECA (Parcours d'Éducation Culturelle et Artistique) is part of the first strategic axis of the Pact of Excellence for Education: "Teaching the knowledge and skills of the 21st-century society and promoting the pleasure of learning, thanks to a strengthened preschool education, a polytechnic and multidisciplinary core curriculum and a revised and clarified learning framework".

Primary school children from the Cœur d'Ixelles school have become the designers of more than original bins to improve the waste problem in their school.


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